Justin Verlander And Kate Upton Bought A House In Beverly Hills...20 Minutes From Dodger Stadium

2016 LACMA Art + Film Gala Honoring Robert Irwin And Kathryn Bigelow Presented By Gucci - Red Carpet

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(TMZ) — Justin Verlander and Kate Upton are getting the martial house ready to go … because they just locked up a sweet Bev Hills mansion for $5.475 mil … and it comes with its own private tennis court!

I saw this story making the rounds, and Dodgers fans were getting all giddy because some thought that there’s a connection between Justin Verlander moving close to Dodger Stadium, and the report from last month that a trade involving Verlander and the Dodgers had been “brewing”. I’m a big connect the dots guy myself, but Verlander isn’t buying this house in Beverly Hills with his supermodel soon to be wife because of a trade rumor or some sort of inside information. He’s buying this house because multi-millionaire celebrity couples who take naked mirror selfies together don’t live in Detroit. They live in Beverly Hills. Hit the video.

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